Baby Mammoth Carcass Discovered by Reindeer Herder

Baby Mammoth Carcass Discovered by Reindeer Herder

An almost perfectly-preserved carcass of a 10,000-year-old baby mammoth has been discovered in the northern Siberian permafrost! Scientist say this discovery could answer a lot of questions, specifically climate change studies. The 4-foot gray-and-brown carcass, discovered back in May by a reindeer herder, has its trunk and eyes virtually intact and even some fur remaining, which is absolutely amazing!

The animal’s tail and ear were apparently bitten off, so apparently something had the opportunity to sneak and snack on this little critter before his dirt nap. Scientists believe mammoths lived from 4.8 million years ago to around 4,000 years ago. Studies suggest climate change or overkill by human hunters as possible reasons leading to their extinction. In my opinion, it was a combination of both.

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